xf86config patch

Alexander Gottwald Alexander.Gottwald@informatik.tu-chemnitz.de
Sat Jul 6 12:40:00 GMT 2002


after long time, I remade the xf86config patch. The diffs are made
against todays cvs.

The patch includes support for

- reading /etc/XF86Config
- setting the fontpath from the configfile
- setting XKB settings from the configfile (foreign keyboard support)
- setting rgbpath from the configfile

I don't expect that I will ever support other configuration options,
since the monitor, device and screen sections have no meaning for
windows. For supporting the mouse section a huge change to the current
has to be made and any settings can already be given on the commandline.

A precompiled binary for testing is available at

 http://www.gotti.org           ICQ: 126018723
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