Using only the X server of Cygwin

Sun Jul 7 12:05:00 GMT 2002

Hi, I am not subscribed to this mailing list but I would like to give
some feedback anyway. Please Cc: any responses to me.

I am testing the Cygwin/XFree server to use it as a remote display for
my Unix box which runs xdm: XWin -broadcast.

So in the installer I choose to de-install "All", and to install *only*
XFree86-xserv. I noted that the installer installed a lot of things that
are not necessary for that, such as header files, info files, terminfo
stuff, static link libraries, xterm, sh, twm, etc. And it downloaded a
lot more which it apparently did not even install, such as bash, diff,
diffutils, fileutils, etc.

I could also do without all those megabytes of fonts, since I have a
perfectly ok font server, but apparently no way to specify it for the X

I also downloaded xwinclip-test06, but that would not work because the X
server refused the connection, and I could find no way to do the
equivalent of "xhost +localhost" from its command line.

So in short, it would be nice to have the installer *just* the files
that are required to run "XWin -broadcast", and nothing more. That would
be the XWin.exe itself, the dlls it really requires, rgb.txt, fonts if
no font server can be used, and maybe a few other files I am forgetting.
All that doesn't need to take the current 63.263.779 bytes (32.158.116
bytes downloaded).

___ Olaf 'Rhialto' Seibert      -- The evil eye is caused by the black
\X/ rhialto/at/        -- tongue - Tom Poes, "Het boze oog", 4456.

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