[packages] gtk+, glib, imlib

Lapo Luchini lapo@lapo.it
Fri Jul 12 04:08:00 GMT 2002

Being interested in porting freeciv with gtk+ support... and gtk+ 
package being not available... I'm investigating it =)

Harold states he has not enough time for it ( 
http://sources.redhat.com/ml/cygwin-xfree/2002-06/msg00302.html ).
But has he a partial work or nothing?

Steven has a fairly complete Gnome port on his page ( 
http://homepage.ntlworld.com/steven.obrien2/ ), which has nothing to do 
with Harold's work.
It contains patches for many Gnome programs, including glib-1.2.10, 
gtk+-1.2.10 and imlib-1.9.14.

I was thinking about packaging them as requirements for the freeciv 
port... has anyone done some work / has more infos / has something to 
say about?

Please note that I know *VERY* little (maybe 'nothing' is more closer to 
the truth) about X programming and, at least at first, I wouldn't surely 
be a "good" package mantainer for those packages (in fact if Steven 
hadn't already done all the porting work I couln't do it).

Lapo 'Raist' Luchini
lapo@lapo.it (PGP & X.509 keys available)
http://www.lapo.it (ICQ UIN: 529796)

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