Bug in startxwin.bat after installing with setup.exe in win98SE

Jehan nahor@bravobrava.com
Fri Jul 12 21:20:00 GMT 2002

Harold L Hunt wrote:
> I am inclined to let this issue work itself out without my involvement, other
> than to release a patched startxwin.bat if necessay.

Hi harold,

Here is a script that will generate the startxwin.bat file. You might 
want to verify that the batch file is like the original. I had mine 
modified but hopefully I reverted all of the changes.

So this script should run as a postintall to the XFree86-startup-scripts 
package. It depends on u2d to convert the newlines so you'll have to add 
cygutils to the package dependencies.

Also, I didn't want to do to much in this script yet but you may want to 
remove the logic about NT vs 9x from the batch and move it into the 
script itself. This would make a batch file easier to read/modify for 
the newbies... right, they *are* the same now that you use "run" instead 
of "start" (or is it one of my unreverted change?)

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