Bug in startxwin.bat after installing with setup.exe in win98SE

Jehan nahor@bravobrava.com
Sat Jul 13 14:49:00 GMT 2002

Nicholas Wourms wrote:
> You still have the chicken-and-the egg issue.  How is a user going to
> startxwin from a console window if /usr/X11R6/bin is not in their path? 

Two things:
- For what I understood of the problem, Michael already found the batch 
file but then, CYGWIN_ROOT was pointing to the wrong drive (or more 
exactly didn't point to any drive at all) with the end result that 
cygwin application couldn't find the dll.
My shell script, once run by the installation, create a batch file with 
an absolute path to cygwin. So when someone runs it, the dll will be 
found => Michael's problem fixed.
- Correct me if I'm wrong but the batch file is to be run from Explorer 
or the like, not from a console. If you want to use the console, then 
use startxwin.sh (assuming that your console is Bash, which, from the 
rest of your message, seems to be the case)

> Obviously, if the user installs these packages, they want to be able to
> access them.  The answer to this is to make 2 scripts that get installed
> in the /etc/profile.d directory by the XFree86-base package.  One is for
> the tcsh/csh users and the other is for the bash/ash/zsh users.  In these
> two scripts we establish the following:
> 1)Add /usr/X11R6/bin to the $PATH
> 2)Resolve the new environmental CYGWIN_X_ROOT by using the method you
> specified above.
> Then have the various startxwin scripts employ CYGWIN_X_ROOT, but strip
> the  PATH setting from them.  This way you avoid multiple instances of the
> XFree directories in your path.  So what about the .bat file you say? 
> Easy, just have it run bash - which then executes the xfree script in
> /etc/profile.d, followed by the script startxwin.sh.  So my recommendation
> is to examine the openssl.csh and openssl.sh scripts in /etc/profile.d for
> some examples.  You can also look in /etc/profile.d on linux.

Ok, Harold, find attached the two scripts that will add the X path to 
the PATH environment variable when one starts a shell. That way he/she 
doesn't have to use the full path for startxwin.sh. The "export PATH" in 
startxwin.sh can then be removed.

As to have the batch file running Bash which will execute startxwin.sh, 
two things:
1) that doesn't fix your chicken-and-egg problem, you still have to find 
the batch file.
2) once you have the batch file, it still have to find Bash!

My little install.sh script fixes 2).

For 1), I know of three solutions:
- what we have currently: have the guy search for the batch, and create 
a shortcut if he wants to, in a more accesible place (desktop, start 
menu, whatever). Not ideal, but works ok if documented.
- modify the windows path environment (I'm not found of that) and ask 
the user to run a command prompt and then startxwin.bat. No better than 
starting Bash and running startwin.sh (actually worse because we have to 
globally change the Windows path).
- Create a shortcut to the batch file in the start menu. That would be 
the best solution except that I don't know how to do it. Cygwin does 
something like that for cygwin.bat but IIRC it has the cygwin path 
hardcoded to "C:\cygwin" even if you installed cygwin in "t:\foo\bar".

> However, since it is your idea, I don't want to steal your show.

I like to defend my ideas, it satisfies my ego when their chosen over 
someone else's. But that doesn't mean I don't like people helping me 
out. Participating to a project/idea doesn't make it your own so have no 

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