problems with XFree

Tue Jul 23 21:21:00 GMT 2002

Harold L Hunt II wrote:
> Sylvain Petreolle wrote:
>> Why not install a file in /etc/profile.d ?
> Sylvain,
> I am not sure why we didn't use /etc/profile.d.  I remember discussing 
> it, but when I searched the mailing list archives using the search 
> function at the top of the archive page, all I got was a bunch of spam 
> messages that I don't recall ever seeing on the mailing list (at least 
> not on the dates mentioned).  I will have to do a google search for 
> profile.d on our site, but I haven't got time now.  If you could do the 
> search and summarize where the thread left off, that would be great.
> I seem to remember that a profile.d would work for some cases, but it 
> wouldn't work for all cases... but I cannot give a specific example 
> (might be the archives as well).

There was some talk about that on this thread:

There they say that the path to X should be set before any call to 
/etc/profile.d/* to be more Unix like (i.e. near the top of /etc/profile).

It was suggested to add
	if ! echo $PATH | /bin/grep -q "/usr/X11R6/bin" ; then

at the top of /etc/profile. The comment was:
	"Now the stock Cygwin /etc/profile (unlike the Linux one)
	actually sets a default PATH on the first line via


	Fortunately this puts the important system paths ahead of
	anything already defined, so it's OK to add /usr/X11R6/bin at
	the top."

Post "" 
is supposed to give a patch but I don't see it. Anyway, it was for the 
cygwin install (with the assumption that Cygwin/XFree would soon use 
Cygwin's setup). It's probably better to have a post-install script to do it


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