[BUG] Fullscreen X not always showing

Jehan Bing jehan@bravobrava.com
Thu Jun 6 17:04:00 GMT 2002


I'm on Win2k SP5. I use XFree in fullscreen mode via the DOS batch
file.In a specific case, XWin is never showing:

1. Launch XWin via the batch (didn't try via the sh script) in
fullscreen mode
2. Before the XWin screen shows up, click on another window (this moves
the focus from XWin to that window)

3. Notice that at some point the window you clicked on loses it's focus
(blue titlebar becomes gray)
4. Notice that at the same time, the mouse cursor get centered on the
screen (as XWin would have done)
5. Notice the X window never shows up and that no XWin button appears in
the taskbar.
6. Open the task manager, XWin is running.

result: there is no way to go in XWin (no taskbar button) nor any to
close it (as opposed to kill it)

I can reproduce this bug any time following those steps.


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