Updated on sourceware: XFree86-xserv-4.2.0-4

Harold Hunt huntharo@msu.edu
Fri Jun 7 04:52:00 GMT 2002

The XFree86-xserv-4.2.0-4 package has been updated in the Cygwin

Stuart Adamson's patches have been applied:

Stuart's patches cover:
1) Releasing all pressed keys when XWin.exe loses focus

2) Discarding some bogus Alt key releases (I think) when we Alt+Tab out of

3) Fixing a typo in InitOutput.c set an infinite timeout for three button
emulation when the user specified a timeout value for a single screen.

In addition, I have fixed:
1) Pressing both shifts then releasing both shifts leaves all input shifted.

Harold Hunt

To update your installation, click on the "Install Cygwin now" link
on the http://cygwin.com/ web page.  This downloads setup.exe to
your system.  Save it and run setup, answer the questions and pick
up 'XFree86-xserv' from the 'XFree86' category.  You may need to
click the "Full" button if it doesn't show up.

Note that downloads from sources.redhat.com (aka cygwin.com) aren't
allowed due to bandwidth limitations.  This means that you will need
to find a mirror which has this update.

In the US, ftp://mirrors.rcn.net/mirrors/sources.redhat.com/cygwin/
is a reliable high bandwidth connection.

In Japan, ftp://ftp.u-aizu.ac.jp/pub/gnu/gnu-win32/ is usually

In DK, http://mirrors.sunsite.dk/cygwin/ is usually up-to-date.

If one of the above doesn't have the latest version of this package
you can either wait for the site to be updated or find another

Please  send questions or comments to the Cygwin/XFree86 mailing list at:
cygwin-xfree@sources.redhat.com .  If you want to subscribe go to:
http://cygwin.com/lists.html I would appreciate if you would use
this mailing list rather than emailing me directly.  This includes
ideas and comments about the setup utility or Cygwin/XFree86 in general.

If you want to make a point or ask a question the Cygwin/XFree86 mailing
list is the appropriate place.

More information about the Cygwin-xfree mailing list