[patch] cursor

Jehan jehan_something@hotmail.com
Sat Jun 8 16:51:00 GMT 2002

Hi again Harold,

Here is another patch. It's about the windows mouse cursor.
    - It maybe just a matter of preferences but for me, I prefer if the 
windows cursor is hidden in the client area of X if it isn't active. I 
personnally find it ugly to have two mouse cursors on top of each other 
:p. It's then not necessary to show/hide the mouse upon (de)activation. 
This simplifies the code a bit.
    - Moreover, the cursor state is global to the application, not to 
each window. So I made fCursor a global variable, which simplifies the 
code more (doesn't care about ScreenPrivLast anymore). Potentially, we 
could get rid of fCursor  altogether by using GetCursorInfo instead 
(don't know about performance issues though).
    - Last, WM_NCMOUSEMOVE calls the default winproc. This should fix 
the min/max/close button highlight problem on WinXP (Although I don't 
have XP so I can't test)

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