KDE (or gnome)

Stuart Adamson stuart.adamson@evolution.net
Tue Jun 11 02:22:00 GMT 2002

> From: Splatter van Upchuck [mailto:upchuck@haggis.nl]
> What else runs under XFree then?

My windows development environment (for Win32 code, not cygwin code). 
I use Icewm for my window manager, Vi (vim) is my editor of choice,
gnu make is much better that nmake that ships with visual studio.
You can always invoke win32 apps from cygwin (some even appear on my
icewm tool bar).

If you want a web browser, office apps etc then you may as well just
use the native windows one - they work well.  Cygwin comes in when I 
want a sane development environment, a nice shell (bash or cmd.exe -
hum, tough choice ;)) and that feeling that I'm working with and not
fighting against my environment.

Xfree86 also makes a good Xterminal for unix machines.  With a few of the
patches that have gone in over the last month and native clipboard support
coming soon (if I knew how to hook into the XEvent queue then merging
xwinclip and Xwin would be high on my list of things to do) it's very
usable and free (unlike eXceed, XWin32 etc).

Here's a question - can I stop windows from loading explorer on startup and
get it to load Xfree86 instead?  I know you could do this under Win95
- is it still possible under 2000 ?


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