[PATCH] RE: Ghost cursors (was: RE: alt-tab: client window re ceives tab / pressing both...)

Stuart Adamson stuart.adamson@evolution.net
Thu Jun 13 02:35:00 GMT 2002

Certainly under Win2000 the cursor always gets displayed (I've commented out
every ShowCursor(TRUE) statement and the cursor still gets displayed
we leave the window.)  This is what I'd expect as ShowCursor shouldn't
apply globally.  I understand your concern about what it might do on older
of windows though.

> However, I'm getting a strange problem where if I pass any 0 argument
> parameters (e.g. -lesspointer) to XWin.exe and I start with 
> 'start XWin' on
> Windows 2000 then my log file only contains two lines:

hum - same here, expect it's if I pass *any* parameters to start XWin 
without using /B.  I commented out FreeConsole() in case that was
closing something it shouldn't - but that didn't seem to make any


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