Updated on sourceware: XFree86-xserv-4.2.0-3

Jehan jehan_something@hotmail.com
Fri Jun 7 19:59:00 GMT 2002

Harold L Hunt wrote:
> I don't understand what you mean about putting a button in the Windows
> taskbar.  The desired behavior is that we *do* put a button in the Windows
> taskbar.  If you are seeing a case in which the button does not appear, then
> that is a bug.

Well, from the bug previously, I assumed that you were either showing 
the window or putting a button in the taskbar but not both. My mistake.

> As for stealing focus, I'm not sure what you mean again.

If you do the steps from the bug, XWin appears in the front and becomes 
the active window. Usually, when you launch a slow application (Visual 
Studio, for instance), and select another window before the application 
shows up, the application will stay in the background, i.e, the focus 
stays on the window you clicked on.

> For DirectDraw
> fullscreen engines I was passing SW_HIDE to ShowWindow when we created the
> window... I did that because we weren't really showing our window, per se, as
> we were just using a DirectDraw surface that covered the entire screen.  It
> turns out that that was not the flag to use.  So, I switched to SW_SHOWNORMAL,
> of which MSDN says, "An application should specify this flag when displaying
> the window for the first time."
> The ideal situation would be that we would pass the nShowCmd parameter of
> WinMain to ShowWindow, but it would be very difficult, if not impossible, to
> propogate this value to the place where it is needed in XWin.exe. 
> Alternatively, I now see another flag, SW_SHOWDEFAULT, that looks like it may
> have the same effect as passing nShowCmd to ShowWindow.
> I could give SW_SHOWDEFAULT a try and see if that improves things.  What do
> you think?  I suppose I should release that as a test release first so that
> ordinary users don't have to get it if it is not an improvement.

Well, I'm not very familiar with the innards of Windows even less with 
DirectX. My understanding of SW_SHOWNORMAL vs SW_SHOWDEFAULT is that 
SW_SHOWNORMAL will overwrite the settings at launch. I mean, in a 
shortcut for instance, one can specify if the window starts normal, 
minimized or maximized. My guess is that SHOWNORMAL will always display 
a normal window, what ever this setting while SW_SHOWDEFAULT will repect 
the setting. I don't think it will change anything about the focus.

Maybe a fullscreen DirectX application automatically takes the focus... 
Yes, looks like it. I just tried with Unreal Tournament (DirectX) and 
Quake III (OpenGL) and both take the focus back. So it's not a bug, it's 
the normal behavior of a fullscreen application. It was not big deal 
anyway, it was just a thought.

Thanks for looking at it.

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