cygwin-xfree 4.2.0 installation problem

Tue Mar 12 17:51:00 GMT 2002

> The format of a symlink in a tar archive is exactly defined. So if you 
> tar up a cygwin symlink, you can get two results:
> - using cygwin) The file in the archive is a symlink
> - using linux or windows) The file in the archive is a textfile with the 
> symlink as text
> For extracting a symlink, there are 3 versions
> - using cygwin) The file is a cygwin symlink
> - using linux) The file is a symlink or not created as fat does not allow
> symlinks
> - using windows) The file is just a copy of the first file

so the rule is, whenever performing system file restoration and backup,
use cygwin explicitly. ...(?)

thanx. eh. now i have to scuttle along with my tail between my legs and
do a reinstall of cygwin. :-)

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