tweak to startxwin.bat

Andrew G. Wilson
Mon Mar 18 10:55:00 GMT 2002

Just a quick note to whoever looks after the startup .bat file:

You can use the dos %VAR% to set the /B switch or not, thereby reusing 
the same commands for the nt/2000 as for 95/98.


REM Use the /B switch only when we can positively confirm that the OS
REM is Windows NT/2000.  Do not use the switch in any other case.  This
REM should work fine, as it assumes we cannot use /B, except when a
REM criteria is met.  A previous verion of this batch file assumed that
REM we could use /B, except when some criteria was met; needless to say,
REM that didn't work.

	if "%OS%" == "Windows_NT" set USE_B=/B

REM Startup the X Server.

start %USE_B% XWin -screen 0 1152 864

REM Startup an xterm, using bash as the shell.

start %USE_B% xterm -sl 1000 -sb -rightbar -ms red -e /usr/bin/bash

REM Startup the twm window manager.

start %USE_B% twm

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