missing telnet, solution

Christopher Faylor cygwin-xfree@cygwin.com
Sat Mar 23 21:50:00 GMT 2002

On Sat, Mar 23, 2002 at 06:18:05PM +0100, Palic, Darko wrote:
>Hello Christopher,
>okay it is nice to follow the request of the users, but why isn't a
>selectbox available, there something like "basic/minimal, common/typical and
>complete" could be selected instead of changing the whole setup? It would

What answer are you expecting?  It's a volunteer project.  We make
changes as time permits and as people are inclined.  We thought the
current setup with categories would be an improvement and apparently it
wasn't.  It never occurred to us that people wouldn't be able to figure
out that you could click on things and see packages to install.  But,
that was the case.

Once it became clear that there was a problem and that people didn't
like having to select things individually, I would have liked to see an
immediate resolution of the problem but it just didn't happen.  It's not
like I can fire anyone for not improving setup for you.  I'm just damn
grateful that Robert and others are spending time working on it at all.

Anyway, the new, just released, version of setup has some improvements
for selecting whole categories.  That should make things much easier.

We're discussing other alternatives all of the time but the basic
problem is that we have a lot of people who just ask aggrieved questions
like the above or who repeat the same observations that have been made
countless times before, and very few people who are actually willing to
help make things better.

If you want to contribute (and apparently you do), then setup.exe discussions
are happening in the cygwin-apps mailing lists.  If you have further questions,
you should (after reviewing the mail archives there) send them there.


> I think the change you're referring to was that we added, at the request
> of many users, a minimal install.  It's based on the debian "base"
> category, which does not include bzip2.  The default installation is a
> really basic one and it's looking like we need to change that.
> Anyway, I'll try to keep in this in mind if we change something in the
> future that impacts Cygwin/XFree86.  It never occurred to me that this
> would be an issue.

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