XWin doesn't always start "right"'

Brian Gallew geek@burri.to
Thu May 16 04:25:00 GMT 2002

I'm running cygiwn/xfree on a ThinkPad under XP.  Generally speaking,
the first time that I start X after booting, the window doesn't get
drawn.  So, I kill it and restart X and then it works.  I'm very
confused about why it behaves this way.  If it matters, here's the
script I'm using to start X:
#! /bin/bash
cd /home/geek
export DISPLAY=:0
/bin/rm -rf /tmp/.X11-unix

run XWin -fullscreen -once -terminate -nowinkill -unixkill -auth
$HOME/.Xauthority  :0sleep 2
run xwinclip
run pwm
export DISPLAY=:0.0
run python /home/geek/bin/workspace_indicator --size 200
sleep 2
xv -root -maxpect -quit $HOME/images/gazebo.jpg
xrdb -merge $HOME/.config/Xresources

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