Updated package for testing: OpenDX 4.2.0-1

Harold Hunt huntharo@msu.edu
Fri May 24 19:43:00 GMT 2002

I've posted a new package, OpenDX 4.2.0-1, for testing to the
sources.redhat.com mirror network.

The package should show up on your favorite mirror within 24 hours under the

You'll want to point Cygwin's setup.exe to the following directory, which
contains setup.ini, on your favorite mirror:

I require some feedback on this package before I will consider posting it
for general release.


1) Added a cygwin platform switch to dxworker script.

2) Changed 1st line of dxworker from `#!/bin/csh -f' to `#!/bin/tcsh -f'.
Is this sufficient to get the script to run with tcsh instead of csh?

Awaiting suggestions,


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