Unable to get french keyboard with XDMCP connexion on AIX

Pavel.Rybnicek@intax.cz Pavel.Rybnicek@intax.cz
Tue May 7 00:58:00 GMT 2002

Yes, this mostly works - but anyway, this is a workarround, not a solution.


                    Wolfhagen"           To:     Pavel.Rybnicek@intax.cz                                                                      
                    <FRANZW@dk.ib        cc:                                                                                                  
                    m.com>               Subject:     Re: Unable to get french keyboard with XDMCP connexion on AIX                           

You are probably suffering from some timing problem - put in a sleep of
10-30 seconds after starting the xwindows client before you do the

Med venlig hilsen / Regards
Franz Wolfhagen

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