I can`t unzip nedit*.tar.gz

Randall R Schulz rrschulz@cris.com
Tue May 7 11:17:00 GMT 2002


Did you look in /usr/src/... to see if anything was extracted?

This error from tar can usually be ignored. Signal 13 under Cygwin is 
SIGPIPE and this means that tar closed the pipe from the sub-process it 
created in order to decompress the data (in this case gunzip) but gunzip 
continued to write to that pipe after tar had seen all it wanted. This can 
be a symptom of the data being "blocked" such that the last block was 
partially unused by tar but still compressed by gzip and subsequently 
decompressed by gunzip.

A few things you might want to try:

- Use the "-t" or "--test" options of gzip to validate the compressed file
- Uncompress the file separately and then use tar to examine or extract the 
archive contents
- Using the "-i" or "-B" options to tar sometimes eliminates the "signal 
13" diagnostics
- If you know the blocking factor used to create the underlying 
(compressed) tar archive, you can supply that as the argument to the "-b" 
option (note the case sensitivity of the options "b" vs. "B").

By the way, where did you obtain the file ("nedit-5.3RC1-source.tar.gz") in 
the first place? Perhaps someone else can try to reproduce the symptom? I 
don't see it in the XFree86 packages I downloaded using Setup.exe (since I 
switched to getting XFree86/Cygwin from Setup.exe I've discarded the older 

Randall Schulz
Mountain View, CA USA

At 08:23 2002-05-07, mmira@centrum.cz wrote:
>sorry, sorry,
>parametr 'y' was my mistake in letter!!!
>second mistake was /urs ... /usr better
>I use czech and english keybord and the letter y and z
>changes, when I switchs from en to cz keyboard,
>this is better version, but it doesn`t work anyway!
>tar -xzvf nedit-5.3RC1-source.tar.gz -C /usr/src
>after this command I received error:
>  " tar: Child died with signal 13
>    tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors "

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