Unable to get french keyboard with XDMCP connexion on AIX

Pavel.Rybnicek@intax.cz Pavel.Rybnicek@intax.cz
Mon May 13 01:39:00 GMT 2002

Hi Frederic,

Do you use '-ac' parameter? You have to allow xmodmap to access your screen
(using this parameter). I tried that just now and it doesn't work without

It also depends on timing of running the commands - when I run XWin, wait
for login prompt and then run xmodmap (localy), it takes effect AFTER logon
(but does not crash :-)


                    "frederic bregier"                                                                                      
                    <fbregier@webmails.        To:     cygwin-xfree@cygwin.com                                              
                    com>                       cc:                                                                          
                    Sent by:                   Subject:     Re: Unable to get french keyboard with XDMCP connexion on AIX   
                    07.05.2002 15:05                                                                                        

So I try to use the xmodmap command after running
XWin ... :0 -query AIX_IP
But it doesn't work.
I try to put the DISPLAY correctly, here are the tests.
 DISPLAY set to my local address x:0.0
  xmodmap refuse to connect to the server
 DISPLAY set to my remote address AIX_IP:0.0
  xmodmap refuse to connect to the server

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