Unable to get french keyboard with XDMCP connexion on AIX

Pille Geert (bkarnd) geert.pille@vandemoortele.com
Fri May 17 02:52:00 GMT 2002

Bonjour Fréderic,

L'option "-ac" n'a rien à voir avec le clavier, si je ne me trompe pas.

Il te faut les options "+kb -xkbmap fr", moi j'ai un clavier belge, alors:

XWin +kb -xkbmap be -auth "$HOME/.Xauthority" -emulate3buttons -unixkill

Il te faut aussi un fichier avec le dessin de ton clavier, dans /tmp, chez


Tu peux génerer ce fichier avec "xkbcomp", avec les sources qui se trouvent
dans /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb.



-----Original Message-----
From: frederic bregier [mailto:fbregier@webmails.com]
Sent: vrijdag 17 mei 2002 1:00
To: cygwin-xfree@cygwin.com
Subject: Re: Unable to get french keyboard with XDMCP connexion on AIX

Hi all,

I try the "-ac" option from Pavel with XWin.
I am not able to get the french keyboard at login,
but just after, the xmodmap locally runned (in the local
script, not on the remote server) is perfectly running
and I get the french keyboard.
So it is a part of the answear (since I prefer to get
all the specific configuration part on my PC,
not on the many server I must access).

The only point is that "-ac" enables anyone to get access
to my X client (like xhost +). But not too bad anyway.

If someone find how to finaly get the french KB at logon
time, and it is perfect for me.
By the way, thank you all for your helps!!!
Great job!


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