New package for testing: OpenDX

Suhaib Siddiqi
Fri May 24 17:15:00 GMT 2002

Rsh is not a must for OpenDX.  You can copy rsh.exe from older version.
I found that rsh.exe somewhere on internet.
OpenDX does not make use of inetd.  It does use DNS lookup either.  Are
you trying to use UI from local client and DX server from a remote
machine?  I believe it is dxworker issue.  Can you not download one of
the older version I patched and use dx and dxowrker scripts from it. It
might help you.  The older versions should still be available from

Good luck

-----Original Message-----
[]  On Behalf Of Billinghurst, David
Sent:	Thursday, May 23, 2002 9:57 PM
To:	Harold Hunt
Subject:	RE: New package for testing: OpenDX

OK.  With these patches I can start the User Interface (ui)
but as I don't have inetd running I can't rsh from localhost
to localhost to start the server.

I can work around this by (
dx -uionly &
dx -execonly&

to start the ui and server seperately.  
Then I try to connect to the ui to the server
select "Connection - start server" from ui menu
select "options" and connect to existing server 
and then connect
The server sees this and responds with
"server: accepted connection from client"
then fails with "ExHostToFQDN failed"

Looks like some sort of DNS lookup error or similar,
so it may be specific to my configuration.

I saw that the version Suhaib distributed had its own
private rsh.exe.  It may have avoided the rsh problems
above by avoiding all the network stuff.


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