Package Management, app and util distributions, etc.

Christopher M. Lyons
Tue Nov 5 04:02:00 GMT 2002

I've been looking for application and utility disttributions for Cygwin, as
well as for XFree under Cygwin.  It seems as though there's not a good way
to find packages (or catagories of packages) for Cygwin unless you already
know the name of a package you want.  Sometimes, even that's spotty.

I was wondering if there's any work towards a continually updated repository
or mirroring of packages for Cygwin other than the packages installed by the
Cygwin Setup Utility. or if there were any plans to add more packages to the
Setup utility itself?   There seems like there's a lot of stuff missing
(configuration utilities, how-to documents, sendmail, pop3 server, no
/etc/services file, lack of sample configuration files, etc).

I'm not really complaining, I mean I realize that Cygwin is reletively new,
but I was just wondering  what some of the short and long term plans are,
what is going to be implemented, 3rd party efforts towards compiling and
distributing packages, etc.

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