Problems with xedit, xcalc, xfontsel, emacs
Tue Nov 12 03:34:00 GMT 2002


after a recent update of my cygwin installation on windows 2000, I have 
experienced the same problems with xedit and xcalc, as described previously in . 

Specifically the problems are:

- xedit fails with "Error: Shell widget fileMenu has zero width and/or height"
- xcalc shows incorrect layout
- xfontsel shows incorrect layout and displays "Warning: app-defaults file not 
properly installed."
- emacs does not start up but consumes nearly 100% of the cpu time

I have not been using ntsec so far, and the proposed changes to /etc/passwd do 
not seem to have an effect on the behaviour of the above applications.  I did 
not have the xterm problem.

I would be very grateful for any hints to resolve the problem.

Best regards,

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