an idea for building win32 based xfd

Thomas Chadwick
Wed Nov 13 07:30:00 GMT 2002

>Please let me have your comments on my idea that
>aims to build win32 based x font server which is capable of
>exporting fonts installed on a Windows machine.
>By using this server, cygwin/xfree users do not need to
>install X-specific fonts aside from Windows fonts.
>This server is expected to behave as xfd. So any X server
>will benefit from this server.
>Since font installation is done in Windows side, almost no
>font configuration effort is required in X side.
>I'd like to have your opinion about this. I guess this kind of
>idea has already poped up in many peoples' mind.
>There might be a similar project or software proposed by
>someone else before...
>Any comment?

First of all, don't you mean xfs, not xfd?

Secondly, how is this different from running the stock xfs that's in the 
XFree86 distro using free-type to support the Windows fonts?

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