rootless mode and mousing to other windows

Gerald S. Williams
Wed Nov 13 12:18:00 GMT 2002

So how was it that you start rootless mode again?

Just kidding.

I guess I should have mentioned that I was about to go on
vacation for over a week after I sent my last message.

My impression of XOpenWin was that it was going to replace
the low-level graphic calls from Windows with calls to X.
Ambitious, but sounds like a great deal of overhead. This
does solve some of the problems you'll run into trying to
get Windows to manage X applications, though. I'll have to
join the win32-x11 mailing list and see what's happening

The current direction you're taking is to allow Windows to
manage the X windows (please keep this a separate feature
from -rootless). I hope somebody's thinking about keeping
this compatible with XOpenWin, since there could be some
serious benefits to using both together.

There are a number of other ways that integration between
Windows and X could have been approached, although these
are the most straightforward approaches. Both approaches
wrap everything of interest, albeit at opposite ends (and
the end results look totally different).

But right now I'm interested in something much simpler:
just removing focus from all windows when X itself loses
focus. I've looked at this briefly, but I'd better follow
up in another e-mail, rather than causing this thread to
fork too much.


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