X11 and Heavy loadbalancing?

Randall R Schulz rrschulz@cris.com
Fri Nov 15 15:17:00 GMT 2002


Since the native GUI model for Java programs running on Unix and Linux 
hosts is X11, any and all Java GUI applications running on such hosts are 
inherently able to have their human user interaction take place on a 
separate host (or X terminal) from the host on which they execute. 
Likewise, multiple application clients (in the X sense of client--an 
application that wants to interact with a user via keyboard, moust and 
raster display) can share a single server (again, in the X sense--i.e., 
user interaction hardware). This should make it possible to handle 
migration or load balancing of the Java application while the user remains 
at a single workstation.

So, any Java software with an AWT or Swing GUI when running on a Unix 
platform with X support (all of them except MacOS X, I believe) should be 
able to do what I think you're contemplating.

Now usually one does not put conventional Java GUIs on J2EE applications 
(to my limited knowledge), but I doubt there's any technical reason why it 
could not be done.

Is this at all an answer to your question?

Randall Schulz
Mountain View, CA USA

At 02:14 2002-11-15, choice15@gmx.de wrote:
>Hi all,
>At my Connectiontoolprojekt (Win-GUI-Client for Cygwin)
>i have think by my self whats happend if a heavy load Situation is comming
>up and How can it be solved?
>Is there an Way to Make XFree scalable or is there an J2EE based Container
>for a Free XFree avaiable thadt can be integrated as Part  of a Java
>Cluster such as ORACLE 9iAS Appserver Modul?
>(Oracle self has implemented an E-Mailserver, na Fileserver, an Faxserver,
>  LDAP and so  thadt resides in the Applicationserver Middlewarelayer, thadt
>can be empowered by an Oracle Realapplication Cluster thadt Spans over the
>  Network to other Machines they are Member of the Cluster)
>If no Project is launched at this Time then my X.NET Projekt at
>Sourceforge will by Upgraded to this Projektfeature.


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