How can I avoid using a DOS box??

Frank-Michael Moser
Wed Nov 27 07:39:00 GMT 2002

I found that the "run" command which comes with Cygwin-XFree is quite 
useful for launching any shell script with a Windows link without a DOS 
box flashing. The problem is that it works only when $(cygpath -w /) is 
in your Windows PATH variable - otherwise it does not find cygwin1.dll. 
But a simple workaround for this (if you do not like Cygwin in the 
Windows Path) is to (hard-)link run in /bin:

ln /usr/X11R6/bin/run.exe /bin/run.exe

This i.e. is the way I start X with reading .xinitrc and .xserverrc from 
my HOME (what startxwin.bat does not):

C:\cygwin\bin\run.exe bash --login -c startx

You also can use this as yet another "RXVT here" approach:

echo Add Explorer extension \"RXVT here\"
regtool add /root/Directory/shell/0cmd-rxvt
regtool set /root/Directory/shell/0cmd-rxvt/ "RXVT here"
regtool add /root/Directory/shell/0cmd-rxvt/command
regtool set /root/Directory/shell/0cmd-rxvt/command/ "$(cygpath -w -a 
/)\\bin\\run.exe sh ~/bin/goto \"%1\""

where a "goto" script should do the rest.

I wonder whether
run should find cygwin1.dll by reading the mounts from the registry or
run should go in /bin by default

Is either a) or b) an option?


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