fvwm-2.4.7-2 install missing /usr/local/etc/fvwm/system.fvwm2rc?

Michael Bax bax3@bigfoot.com
Thu Nov 28 08:10:00 GMT 2002


I installed fvwm-2.4.7-2 using setup.exe and changed startxwin.bat to
call fvwm instead of twm.  

The setup.exe process neither supplies nor prompts for any default
configuration file.  As a result, fvwm is crippled.  All one can do by
default is move and resize a window, not even close it!

INSTALL.fvwm from the fvwm source tarfile (fvwm.org) suggests copying
system.fvwm2rc to /usr/local/etc/fvwm/system.fvwm2rc to provide a system
default.  This file does not appear to be present in the Cygwin package,
but it seems that installing this file to the correct place would be the
most transparent way to streamline fvwm setup.

While researching this issue I came across the package announcment from
9 May 2002, which suggests manually using
/usr/share/fvwm/system.fvwm2rc-sample-95.  I tried copying this to
~/.fvwm2rc, and it is certainly an improvement.  However on my system
fvwm then pumps out a long stream of error messages reporting the
inability to find various files (bitmaps?), so it appears this is a
partial solution at best.  This is seen using the command "start fvwm"
with no "/b" parameter.

OS is Windows 2000 Professional Ver 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 3.


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