Cygwin GNOME 1.4 binary packages

David Fraser
Mon Nov 25 11:06:00 GMT 2002

Hansom Young wrote:

>----- Original Message -----
>From: Lisi <>
>Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2002 20:57:52 +0200
>Subject: Cygwin GNOME 1.4 binary packages 
>>Hi Hansom,
>>I am definitely interested in a cygwin GNOME binary, like the KDE binary 
>>which is available on sourceforge using the standard cygwin setup.exe (but 
>>I have not yet managed to get running properly on Win98). Could you please 
>>keep us updated, maybe by posting back on the list, when your port is 
>>available for download?
>Surely no problem.
>I just started a project on I'll upload the binary packages in a few days, including some applications very usful, such as gftp, sylpheed, gtktalog, anjuta etc.
Great! What is the project name? I see there is gnome-cygwin, is this it?

>But I'm so busy with my work in recent months. Could somebody give me a hand?
>And we want to start to work on GNOME 2.0.
I tried to compile GNOME 2.0 on cygwin unsuccessfully. But if there is a 
base framework
there, I'd be very interested in anjuta, and could help out with that.
Can I suggest that rather than just hosting diffs you actually have the 
full source code?
If you import it into CVS you can then import later versions again and 
merge the changes.
Since sourceforge is hosting it you shouldn't have bandwidth problems...


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