
Harold Hunt
Tue Oct 1 20:35:00 GMT 2002

I have setup a Donations page on the Cygwin/XFree86 site.

On the page is a link to contribute funds to Cygwin/XFree86 on the
project-level (which I will collect and distribute to anyone needing a book
or some equipment for development --- after they have become an established
Cygwin/XFree86 developer).  There is also a section for links to any
individual contributor's web pages.  Currently there is only my own link on
this page:

The PayPal account that I have setup can accept credit card payments from
anyone; additionally, PayPal members should be able to directly transfer
funds into my PayPal account from their own account.

By all means, do not feel obligated to make a donation.  Also, realize that
future Cygwin/XFree86 development does not depend upon the amount of
donations received.  Granted, it will be easier to do development when I
know that my hardware upgrade costs are taken care of, but I will always be
spending some amount of time tinkering with Cygwin/XFree86 regardless of the
amount of donations.  Think of the donations as either a way for you to give
a token of your appreciation or as a way for you to influence the priority
and amount of time put in to developing some feature that you would benefit

Let the donations begin! ;)


P.S. One contributor has already given $25 and I thank him for that (he
knows who he is).

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