xterm Xt error: Can't open display

Alex Vinokur alexvn@come.to
Thu Oct 3 09:20:00 GMT 2002

"Ben Calvert" <ben.calvert@ams.com> wrote in message news:OF29710025.9429B63C-ON88256C47.00587392-88256C47.0058B6CF@ams.com...
> 1. is X running?

How can I know that ?

> 2. which user is X running as?

The same question

> 3. what machine does it think it's running on? (ie, does it know that
> is your machine? ) i've seen windows installs without
> before.

The same question

> 4. if the above seem to be working, try "xhost + 5AT8S8CQEEX4QHI" which
> will allow anyone on that machine to run programs.  theoretically :)

Administrator@5AT8S8CQEEX4QHI ~
$ xhost + 5AT8S8CQEEX4QHI
xhost:  unable to open display ""

> =====================
> Windows 2000 Professional
> Cygwin/XFree86 4.2.0
> =====================
> Administrator@5AT8S8CQEEX4QHI /
> $ which xterm
> /usr/X11R6/bin/xterm
> ###### Attempt-1 ######
> Administrator@5AT8S8CQEEX4QHI ~
> $ set | grep DISPLAY
> Administrator@5AT8S8CQEEX4QHI /
> $ xterm
> xterm Xt error: Can't open display:
> ###### Attempt-2 ######
> Administrator@5AT8S8CQEEX
> $ set | grep DISPLAY
> Administrator@5AT8S8CQEEX4QHI ~
> $ xterm
> xterm Xt error: Can't open display:
> What is wrong ?

   Alex Vinokur

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