Invoking rootless mode

Harold L Hunt II
Fri Oct 18 08:01:00 GMT 2002


You will probably want to grab that Test 67 preliminary release that I 
just posted... it has much better performance due to reduced logging. 
 Take a look at your /tmp/XWin.log file, it is probably over 50 MB.


Holger Vogt wrote:

>Hi all,
>I have just installed XWin-Test66.exe over a very old Cygwin
>installation (May 01, X-dlls March 01) on a Windows NT4 notebook. After
>starting and a short DOS box pop up ... nothing happened.
>But then there it was: a small green rectangle among all my Windows
>icons stating "sh".
>Now my screen is full with applications (Xman, Xciruit drawing program,
>MAGIC layout editor), and still the Windows background, Windows Netscape
>and others.
>Congratulations, great work.
>Holger Vogt

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