XFree86 Wont work on windows 98

John Proctor jproctor0@hotmail.com
Tue Sep 3 04:28:00 GMT 2002

Hi I cant get the X server (Xfree86) to connect to my Suse v8 Box,
I have installed XFree86 on 19 machines which use NT4, using the default 
cygwin setup/install program and these all work great by typing the 
following command:
$XWin -query server.ip.address
But when I performed the same installation on the one Windows 98 box and 
tried the above command the X-window appeared but wouldn't connect to the 
SuSE box as the others did.

The Windows 98 pc is on the same network (class C) and is listed in the 
/etc/host file but try as a may I cant get it to connect.  Any help would be 
greatly appreciated John Proctor.

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