Bug report: Using Cygwin-Xfree through Remote Desktop Sharing (RDP)

Thomas Chadwick j_tetazoo@hotmail.com
Mon Sep 9 09:08:00 GMT 2002

Sounds similar to this problem I reported a while back...


What's in /tmp/XWin.log?

>From: Jean-Claude Gervais <jc.gervais@videotron.ca>
>Reply-To: cygwin-xfree@cygwin.com
>To: Cygwin-XFree <cygwin-xfree@cygwin.com>
>Subject: Bug report: Using Cygwin-Xfree through Remote Desktop Sharing 
>Date: Mon, 09 Sep 2002 11:00:28 -0400
>This is complicated, so I'll try to be clear.
>Let's say you have machine A, which is a Windows XP machine that has Cygwin
>and Cygwin-XFree installed on it.
>You use A to connect to B. B is a machine running Linux and X.
>Everything so far works.
>Then you use machine C (a machine running Windows 2000) to remote-control
>machine A with Windows XP Remote Desktop Client (RDP).
>Machine C can use machine A's Cygwin-XFree connection and view machine B. 
>However, when machine C breaks its connection to machine A, machine A's
>Cygwin-XFree will no longer display machine B. It will instead display a
>white screen in Cygwin-XFree.
>Although I am pretty sure that A is still connected and controlling B, it
>can no longer see B's display.
>It seems like Remote Desktop Client mucks-up Cygwin-XFree.
>I hope that that was clear enough.

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