X client wrapper for Win apps?

Jehan nahor@bravobrava.com
Thu Sep 19 10:32:00 GMT 2002

Alexander Gottwald wrote:
> wine is in most parts the same as replacing kernel32.dll user32.dll and
> some other system dependent libraries. So you won't achive anything if
> you run the windows application in a wine subsystem. The goal is not to 
> replace the windows dlls with the wine dlls but to translate the GDI
> calls to X11. This has nothing to do with the POSIX layer. 

What would be the point? I mean, if you want Windows app inside XFree, I 
think you'd be better of using Wine and help them finish it than writing 
this kind of driver.
The goal of Cygwin/XFree is the opposite of Wine, it's about having X 
Window inside Windows.

More over, if you have GDI-fake->X->GDI-real, that would be quite ugly 
for the speed.

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