X client wrapper for Win apps?

Jehan nahor@bravobrava.com
Thu Sep 19 11:21:00 GMT 2002

Keith D. Tyler wrote:
>>More over, if you have GDI-fake->X->GDI-real, that would be quite ugly 
>>for the speed.
> Wouldn't running Windows emulation under POSIX emulation under Windows
> be, at best, just as bad?

Yes. That's why I'm saying:
- if you want Windows inside X, use Linux+WINE
- if you want X inside Windows, use Windows+Cygwin/Xfree

but I don't see the point in having Windows inside X inside Windows. The 
only thing I could understand is that WINE doesn't work with all 
application yet. But even then, hacking X because WINE doesn't work 
isn't the best solution (it's far better to fix WINE instead).


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