
amandapx@katie.com amandapx@katie.com
Sun Apr 20 12:49:00 GMT 2003

Hey Sugar,

I have been trying to talk to you in my chatroom for months.
We were talking about my website and didn't want to give you the URL to my site.
its not because I didnt like you it's 'cause I didn't want you to think badly of me we were having nice chat
I'm not very ashamed of the site I just didnt know if you'd want to see me in all of my glory LOL.
Don't be angry come back  it's no fun with out you :(

Talk to you in the chat room

Here is the site http://www.hosting24-7.org/z/mnw/?id=bysin

Or go here http://www.hosting24-7.org/jb/nomore.html if you wouldnt want me to mail you anymore

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