-multiwindows without -multimonitors on with multiple displays

Nahor nahor@bravobrava.com
Fri Aug 1 16:35:00 GMT 2003

Hi all,

I have my secondary display on the left of the primary one. When I start 
Xwin in multiwindow mode but without the multimonitors option, there is 
a shift between the Windows window and the XFree window. The root window 
take the full primary display as expected. However, the (0,0) coordinate 
in X matches the top left corner of the secondary display. Because of 
that, the window appears on my secondary display instead of the primary.

The shift brings a weird behavior when the two display don't have the 
same size. A Windows window fully inside one display would only get 
partially refreshed because it is only partially inside the root window.

I also think that there is a problem with the mouse. When I show the 
root window and move the mouse over it, the X cursor and the windows 
cursor are on the same spot on the display, i.e. the (0,0) of the 
_primary_ matches the (0,0) of X. When I stop moving the mouse, the X 
cursor suddenly jump to the right, i.e. the (0,0) of the _secondary_ 
matches the (0,0) of X.

Last, why not put multimonitors on by default when in 
multiwindow/rootless mode with an option to disable it? In those mode, 
with the root window invisible, one would expect it to be the same than 
the Windows desktop.


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