Imake.tmpl not found

Damien Fisher
Sun Aug 3 04:50:00 GMT 2003


I'm trying to build xfig on Cygwin/XFree86 without success.  The weird thing is
this worked two weeks ago.  The only thing that has changed, as far as I can
remember, is that I just upgraded to the XFree86 4.3.0-1 packages using the
Cygwin setup program.

When I run xmkmf I get the following error:

mv -f Makefile Makefile.bak
imake -DUseInstalled -I/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/config
Imakefile.c:9: Imake.tmpl: No such file or directory
imake: Exit code 1.

Now I had this error two weeks ago when I first built xfig, and the
solution was to download the XFree86-prog package.  After I did this,
the build went fine.

However, I am now trying to rebuild xfig (for various boring reasons),
and even WITH XFree86-prog 4.3.0-1 installed, I get the above error.  I
have searched my cygwin directory, and there is no Imake.tmpl file

Has something changed in the latest release?  This is driving me crazy!
(It doesn't help that I really have very little clue about what
imake/xmkmf does. :) )

Any help would be appreciated.


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