rfe: seamless windows integration

Harold L Hunt II huntharo@msu.edu
Wed Aug 6 13:41:00 GMT 2003

Brian E. Gallew wrote:

> Christopher Faylor wrote:
>> However, I don't see why this would require any setup changes.  A
>> postinstall script should be able to set up icons, etc.  I can't decide
>> if the thought of a folder filled with scores of icons for X programs is
>> intriguing or frightening, though.
> First, create a folder in the Programs section of your Start Menu named 
> "Cygwin-XFree86".  Then, the following script will produce working 
> links, BUT it's not what you want.
> cd /usr/X11R6/bin
> for d in *.exe
> do
>  mkshortcut -P --icon=/cygwin.ico \
>   --arguments="$d -display :0" \
>   --name=Cygwin-XFree86/$(basename $d .exe) \
>   --workingdir=$HOME /usr/X11R6/bin/run.exe
> done
> This skips any shell scripts, which is (usually) what you want. 
> Unfortunately, there are a lot of programs in that directory which 
> really want a terminal (e.g. xdpyinfo).  Further, there are programs in 
> there that don't belong here like this (e.g. Xwin.exe).
> So, to do this *right*, we'd need a couple things:
> 1) A canonical hierarchy structure (e.g. Start Menu/Program/Cygwin/XFree86)
> 2) A script which defines two shortcut functions (or more?), one like 
> the above shortcut for "real" X11 programs, and one which appends 
> "|xterm -e more" to the commands
> 3) Someone to take the time to carefully pick and choose which kind of 
> shortcut (if any!) gets generated for each application.
> The up side of this is, if implemented, we could then ask other package 
> maintainers to add an appropriate shortcut for their X-enabled 
> application (e.g. emacs, vim).  I wouldn't ask that of the GNOME or KDE 
> port, though, as they already have menu setups that work.


Interesting idea.  Probably the easiest thing to do here would be to 
either create a list of 'term' programs or 'non-term' programs along 
with a list of excluded programs.  Of course, we would want to figure 
out which list, 'term' or 'non-term', was going to be shortest before 
deciding which to make.

To skirt the setup "Create Cygwin/XFree86 icons?" step, we could simply 
stuff the above lists and a modified version of your script in a new 
package called, for example, XFree86-start-menu-icons-4.3.0-1.tar.bz2.

What do you think of that?

I think this would work just fine as a sort of confirmation that the 
user wants start menu icons.  We could leave the package out of the 
XFree86-base dependency list, so only those users that really wanted the 
icons would end up getting them.

Sure, it would be nice to eventually add a setup question, but doing the 
above first would at least demonstrate to the setup folks that we 
actually have something completed.


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