XWinrc configurable server (menus/icons)

Earle F. Philhower III earle@ziplabel.com
Fri Aug 8 00:35:00 GMT 2003

Howdy again Christopher...

At 11:00 PM 8/6/2003 -0400, you wrote:
> >I'm not really up on cygwin's process model, what would the setsid() call
> >do?  I have read the man page and I'm still not sure what's a session ID or
> >why I'd want a new one...
>It would disassociate a tty from any child process.  It's often done
>after file descriptors have been closed.
>I don't know for sure that it will help anything but it may stop the
>console windows from popping up -- at least in cygwin 1.5.x.

Thanks, I added the setsid() just after closing all but STDIN/OUT/ERR
and before the execl() and didn't notice any problems, so next time
I put up a patch it'll have this change included.  [Of course, I'm
running Cygwin 1.3 and not the 1.5 you're working on...]

I also found a small bug where if you close a window with a shared
icon from the ICONS{} section it deletes the icon even though it
shouldn't.  I'm just waiting for more input on the whole
"What should DISPLAY be set to?" question before I clutter up the
mailing list with another patch...

Except for that, the only thing I can think of adding is a 'reread
the prefs file' command to the MENU{} format.  Has anyone else
tried the .xwinrc yet?

-Earle F. Philhower, III
  cdrlabel - ZipLabel - FlpLabel

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