XWinrc configurable server (menus/icons)

Earle F. Philhower III earle@ziplabel.com
Mon Aug 11 04:40:00 GMT 2003

Howdy Harold,
At 06:13 PM 8/10/2003 -0400, you wrote:
>Should we change the file prefixes to something along the lines of 
>"winprefs" then?

Done in the attached patch, you'll want to
  rm winmultiwindowprefs.[cho] winmultiwindowyacc.[ycho] 
to get rid of the old files.  The usual drill: make Makefile; make clean; 
make depend

>Please send the diff against xwinrc.2.diff.  I know that a patch can add 
>new files, but will it know to remove the winmultiwindow files that are 
>getting renamed?  If not, I will try to manually remove the new files that 
>are renamed.

I'm attaching a diff -U3 -N against xwinrc.2.  It's got all the stuff
as before (custom icons, menus, etc.) with a new RELOAD command for
a menu item to reload the config files, and the bugfix for overridden
icons when closing windows through their title bars, and the setsid()
call after the FDs are closed after the fork().

The system.XWinrc file has all the documentation I've written, but I've
not been able to make myself sit down and write a man page...

-Earle F. Philhower, III
  cdrlabel - ZipLabel - FlpLabel
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