4.3.0: Problems and questions after the first time install

Alexei Lioubimov alexeipobox@mtu-net.ru
Mon Aug 11 16:48:00 GMT 2003

I'm novice to X.
I'm running Win98 on Celeron 433 box with 92Mb RAM and Matrox G200
videocard. I've recently have downloaded and installed the XFree86 Cygwin
packages (the main goal is to try the DDD debugger):

    $ cygcheck -c

Cygwin Package Information
Package                 Version
cygwin                  1.3.22-1
XFree86-bin             4.3.0-1
XFree86-etc             4.3.0-3
XFree86-fcyr            4.2.0-3
XFree86-fenc            4.2.0-3
XFree86-fnts            4.2.0-3
XFree86-lib             4.3.0-1
XFree86-prog            4.3.0-1
XFree86-startup-scripts 4.2.0-5
XFree86-xserv           4.3.0-2
XFree86-xwinclip        4.3.0-1
xpm-nox                 4.2.0-1

I've met some problems after installation and have the following questions:

1) Xserver seems to be very very slow - is it because my computer is not the
modern one, or something is wrong with the installation or configuration?

2) Xterm: Why do I need to press <Enter> key TWICE when I want to envoke
every command in Xterm?

3) XClock: When I want to launch XClock, the application starts, but I get
the following message:

Warning: Cannot convert string "" to type XftFont

What does it mean, how to override this?

4) XEdit: I COULD NOT START the XEdit AT ALL!? - instead all the time i get
the following message:

$ xedit

Segmentation fault (core dumped)

I'm ready to provide any additional information as needed.
Thank you.
Alexey Lyubimov

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