posted: X4W: Limited Cygwin on CD-ROM

Corinna Vinschen
Mon Aug 11 22:06:00 GMT 2003

On Mon, Aug 11, 2003 at 09:40:06PM -0000, M.Vaseer wrote:
> Title:  X4W: Limited Cygwin on CD-ROM
> Url:
>         work/projects/x4w/x4w.html
> Type:   Software
> Author: M. Vaseer
> Email:  x4w at vaseer dot net
> Date:   2003-08-11
> Text:   A limited version of Cygwin/XFree86 project, which
>         can either be installed on a harddrive or run
>         directly from a CD-ROM drive with minimum
>         installation.

I saw on your web page that you just point to other web sites for the

To adhere to the GPL, it's not sufficient to point to the sources in
question on other web sites.  You must be able to provide the sources
in the same way as you provided the binaries. 

You must either pack the sources which you used to create the CD content
onto the CD itself, or you must provide them by another CD, or you might
upload the sources to your web site and link to these sources. 

This has been discussed on the Cygwin mailing list in length and it's
backed by the Red Hat lawyers.  So I ask you to upload the sources to
your site and provide them to potential users of your CD in one of the
above ways.

Other than that, I'm not keen to provide a pointer to potentially
outdated Cygwin and XFree86 versions on the homepage.  I'm
especially sure that nobody on the cygwin and cygwin-xfree mailing lists
will like the idea to support a foreign Cygwin installation.  So, please
mention on your site, that the Cygwin mailing lists will not be the
right forum to ask questions related to your installation.

I've Cc'd the cygwin and cygwin-xfree mailing lists to keep people informed.
Please send all further inquiries to the ML.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Developer                      
Red Hat, Inc.

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