Lastest version of xclock (-digital mode) seg faults

Jee Chung
Wed Aug 13 15:28:00 GMT 2003

I keep my Cygwin with XFree86 installation on Window XP pretty much up-to-date on almost weekly basis.  Recently, an update brought down a new version of xclock.exe which has been giving me problems.  When invoked in the digital display mode like:

   run xclock -digital -update 1 -fn 6x13 -geometry -0+0 -bg blue -fg orange

it produces and error message:

   Warning: Cannot convert string "" to type XftFont

and also produces a stackdump whose content is shown below:

bash:~> cat xclock.exe.stackdump 
Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION at eip=005D8881
eax=00000000 ebx=00000000 ecx=FFFFFFE5 edx=610CB0B0 esi=0022E880 edi=00000057
ebp=0022E858 esp=0022E830 program=C:\cygwin\usr\X11R6\bin\xclock.exe
cs=001B ds=0023 es=0023 fs=0038 gs=0000 ss=0023
Stack trace:
Frame     Function  Args
0022E858  005D8881  (10036CA0, 00000000, 00000057, 0022EC8C)
0022F898  005D428D  (10036CA0, 00000000, 610CB0B0, 00000019)
0022F988  00402473  (10041A98, 1003B6C8, 00000000, 0022F9D0)
0022F9B8  0044FDF7  (00484630, 10041A98, 1003B6C8, 00000000)
0022FDE8  004503A3  (00401531, 00000000, 00484630, 1003A158)
0022FE58  004509AC  (00401531, 00484630, 1003A158, 00000000)
0022FE88  00450CC0  (00401531, 00484630, 1003A158, 00000000)
0022FEF0  00401762  (00000001, 615F21F8, 10030328, 0022FF24)
0022FF40  61007408  (610D1F58, FFFFFFFE, 000007E0, 610D1E7C)
0022FF90  610076ED  (00000000, 00000000, 00000001, 00000000)
0022FFB0  00482E32  (00401550, 037F0009, 0022FFF0, 77E814C7)
0022FFC0  0040103C  (0022E1F0, 00000001, 7FFDF000, F7BACCF0)
0022FFF0  77E814C7  (00401000, 00000000, 78746341, 00000020)

Has anyone else seen this problem?  The problem does not occur if I run the clock in "analog" mode.


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