AltGr vs. XFree86 4.3
Mon Aug 25 14:40:00 GMT 2003


I've read through mailinglist-archives on possible solutions on how to make AltGr to function as it did prior to XFree86 ver 4.3, but without out success (e.g. I haven't got a clue...).

The thing is that when I start xterm from Cygwin, things work as expected. But when I start xclients (DECterm/GVIM) from host-machines (in this case OpenVMS) it doesn't.

In hope for enlightenment I provide some output that might be of help
[cygwin]~> xterm -version

[cygwin]~> xmodmap -pm
xmodmap:  up to 2 keys per modifier, (keycodes in parentheses):

shift       Shift_L (0x32),  Shift_R (0x3e)
lock        Caps_Lock (0x42)
control     Control_L (0x25),  Control_R (0x6d)
mod1        Alt_L (0x40)
mod2        Num_Lock (0x4d)
mod4        Super_L (0x73),  Super_R (0x74)
mod5        ISO_Level3_Shift (0x71)

<ingi@openpad> - <15:58>
[cygwin]~> setxkbmap -v 10
Setting verbose level to 10
locale is C
Applied rules from xfree86:
model:      pc105
layout:     se,us
Trying to build keymap using the following components:
keycodes:   xfree86+aliases(qwerty)
types:      complete
compat:     complete
symbols:    pc/pc(pc105)+pc/se+pc/us:2
geometry:   pc(pc105)

When I enter the 'xmodmap -pm' command from the host-machine you'll notice the entry for mod5 e.g. 
xmodmap:  up to 2 keys per modifier, (keycodes in parentheses):

shift       Shift_L (0x32),  Shift_R (0x3e)
lock        Caps_Lock (0x42)
control     Control_L (0x25),  Control_R (0x6d)
mod1        Alt_L (0x40)
mod2        Num_Lock (0x4d)
mod4        Super_L (0x73),  Super_R (0x74)
mod5        BadKey (0x71)

The AltGr doesnt' work with the X11-Motif GUI of GVIM, but If I launch the console VIM in a xterm launched from cygwin, the AltGr works properly.

I do not have any /etc/X11/XF86Config. I've tried using the 'setxkbmap -layout "se,us"...' command, but symptoms are the same.

Can anyone give me a hint on what's going on ?

This problem is not a show-stopper, but 'yanking' and 'putting' the curly braces when programming is a bit tedious ...

- Ingvaldur

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