expat & Xfree

Gerrit P. Haase gp@familiehaase.de
Wed Aug 27 06:46:00 GMT 2003

Hallo Harold,

Am Mittwoch, 27. August 2003 um 01:52 schriebst du:

> Gerrit,

> I see HasExpat in X11.tmpl defined by default to No.  The only .cf file 
> that I see with HasExpat YES is sco5.cf.  I am wondering if there are 
> some good reasons why people are using the internal expat instead of the 
> installed expat.  I am also wondering how much of the tree is affected 
> by this; in other words, does it even matter?  Is expat even being used 
> in the build process?  If it is being used and it might speed the build, 
> then I am all for defining HasExpat as YES, but I want to know that it 
> matters before we make such a change.

I'm not much involved into the Xfree build processes, so I really
cannot say what would be different, the build speed will increase
since you'll not compile/link expat for sure, but it is a small lib
anyway.  I think we'll get a few support requests because someone
links e.g. against: 
-L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 -lexpat
where people expect to get a link against /usr/lib/libexpat.dll.a but
end up with a link to /usr/X11R6/lib/libexpat.dll.a.

And generally I don't like the idea to have two DLL's with the same
API on my system.

BTW, which version of expat is included in the Xfree sources?


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