Portable Cygwin works, but XWin fails

fergus@bonhard.uklinux.net fergus@bonhard.uklinux.net
Wed Dec 10 21:37:00 GMT 2003

I have been able to run portable versions of Cygwin, reduced in one way or
another, both from writable USB memory sticks and from unwritable CDs.
Lately I tried running XWin from a writable stick. By observing which files
were written where, and as a consequence  setting up links using
    ln -s /dev/null /tmp/Xwin.log
    ln -s /dev/null /var/run/utmp
it really seemed that I had addressed all problems: in repeated uses,
nothing new was written to the stick at all. I then burned a CD, but
disappointingly XWin "dies" as soon as it is started. That is, I start the
process with bash, and then try
    XWin -multiwindow &
which I would normally follow with
    rxvt -display localhost:0.0 -e bash
but XWin does not persist. (Sorry: I don't know how to express what happens
other than to say it "dies" immediately.)
This is VERY disappointing. Any clues to what else I might try?
By the way, in mounting the portable version, I have already established
that the directory /cygdrive/c/tmp/ must exist, so I suppose I could try
    ln -s /cygdrive/c/tmp/XWin.log /tmp/XWin.log
before burning to CD. (I've already made 5 coasters. At this rate I'll be
able to floor the bathroom.)

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