AltGr, HP-UX and trouble

Alexander Gottwald
Sun Dec 21 02:06:00 GMT 2003

On Fri, 19 Dec 2003, Jonas Jonsson wrote:

> Here we go again, I know this question has been up asked quite a few times but
> I still *MUST* get a solution to this problem. I've attached relevant files
> (AFAIK).
> In short:
> I have a normal swedish keyboard, pc105, and all apropriate things set in
> /etc/X11/XF86Config.
> In the Cygwin-environment, everything works fine, all keys that should work
> seems to work. Emacs have no dead keys, ie I can write {}[]@ usd-sign etc.
> So, I logon to the BIG HP-UX-server running somewhere, via "telnet -8", and in
> the shell, everything works fine.
> But from that telnet (or actually the xterm-window) I start a new xterm-window
> (running HP-UX xterm). All of a sudden, {}[] etc don't work in the new window
> (Since AltGr doesn't seem to work).
> Worst of all, the quite important characters that I want to be able to type in
> Emacs (started on the HP-UX machine) is not possible to type.  (Well, if I run
> emacs -nw in the xterm-window, the }][{-keys work, but that's not how I wanna
> use emacs.)
> This gives me problems, since I'm programming C/C++ on that very HP-UX machine
> :-D
> Then, I load this, and the keys start working in the (remote)
> xterm-window, but Emacs still refuse to read the AltGr-key ....
> Finally, xev isn't available on the HP-UX machine :-O
> Where do I find source for xev, and a makefile that allows me to run it
> without installing it?
> What's wrong here??

I'm not completely sure but afaik HPUX uses quite old xlibs. The problems also arise 
when talking to an old xfree installation on linux (3.x) and are not limited to the
Cygwin/X server.

The key AltGr has different names in the different versions of X.
It is now called ISO_Level3_Shift and was formerly called Mode_switch, Alt_R and 
Meta_R. Normally this should not matter but the mapping to the modifier keys has 
some voodoo too. Pressing AltGr in a recent verio of X results in an modifier 
state of 0x80. With Mode_switch this was 0x2000. There are also installations 
where the AltGr key was mapped to modifier mod5 (the present) and some where it
mapped to mod3.

Unfortunately I have not understood this topic completely and it seems that no one
on the mailinglist has dealt with this before. But you could ask the people on 
the mailinglist why you can't properly work with an 4.3.0 xserver
with 3.x libs.

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